Beheading children. Sawing them in two. Raping women. Killing men. Displaying heads on sticks in a park. Reports say that some parents, rather than see their children starve or fall into the wrong hands, have thrown their own children off cliffs.

Chew on that. Can you swallow it? Does it fill you?


In our world, today, they’re marking doors for destruction.

A well-armed force of 30,000 ran from 800 men because they didn’t want to fight them, and in the wake of that flight: horror.

Do you want to run away, too, to close the window in which this post is open, to go think of things that are happy, bask in the fact that your children are in no such danger, that no one is marking your door?

Because we are full and safe and well, and such things seem like rumors of long-ago and they’re ugly, and we’re the ones who go to Pinterest to help us banish ugliness, and our children get to keep their heads.

We cannot fight, but we can call out to the One who has laid claim to vengeance, and we don’t know, exactly, what He’s doing, but we know that He hears.

Pray, please, for Iraq.



Today I’m joining Kate Motaung, Five Minute Friday’s new host, and the same grand group of writers to write on her prompt: fill. The button above will take you to her site and the link-up. My apologies for the heavy fare today; but, sometimes, we need to be heavy-hearted, even at a blog party.

©2014 by Stacy Nott

5 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday (on Saturday): Fill

  1. Your post is the second I’ve read just tonight from FMF that reflected on the evil that is filling this world. You’re right. We should not run away and hide our eyes and shield our minds. We need to pray for answers, share Christ with others, and be confident in knowing that in the end, God will redeem all things and make them new. Thanks for sharing.
    *an FMF neighbor stopping by from


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