"They did not desire to speak with these things; but they wished them to hear and obey what was said to them.  The Entwives ordered them to grow according to their wishes, and bear leaf and fruit to their liking; for the Entwives desired order, and plenty, and peace (by which they meant that things…

What it is I want to say I am not certain.  It is composed of fragments, that somehow or other are unified in my thoughts, but I don't quite know how to bring them out as a coherent whole, to make you see them as I see them.  The wild yellow circles of a butterfly…

". . . and the breezes that came in were mild, earthy, grassy, with a feel of sunlight about them."  -Marilynne Robinson, Home And I was glad, very glad, to read such a sentence; glad to have someone tell me that breezes can have "a feel of sunlight about them," because it was a thing…


*Two blue and black butterflies slowly beating their wings on the brick porch outside my window. *Water drops hanging on the ends of pine needles, making the trees sparkle. *Thunder echoing back and forth across the Mississippi hills. *Lamplight. *A black  cat purring on the bed behind my head. *The extraordinary greenness of things on…

being pearled

       On the impulse of a morning, I yesterday put five poems into an envelope and sent them off, with an appropriate letter of introduction, to meet the editors of a magazine.   Likely they'll come back to me in a month or two, with a typed encouragement to introduce them to other people -- someone might…