
His cheerful acquiescence surprised me — I’d expected pushback when I redirected him from Legos to the back yard — and I hastened to praise him. But he immediately spoke to stop me: “I wasn’t even thinking about it. I wasn’t trying to obey cheerfully.” THAT, I contend, is cause for rejoicing: the automatic, thoughtless…

a good smell

There’s no rule stating that a petite nose introducing itself into the top of one’s communion cup must interrupt a devotional frame of mind, but the mind must be stronger than mine to remain unperturbed. Fearful of a spill, I moved the cup away. Then came the gravelly whisper: “I’m just smellin’ it. It has…

Judas’ Confession and a Better High Priest

Then when Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders, saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” They said, ” What is that to us? See to it yourself.” And throwing down the pieces of…

no other name

When my husband and I married, we became a family in possession of two Honda vehicles. We upsized one to a Honda van just before our second child, and I told myself that we were a Honda family, and we would remain so. Have you looked at the used car market lately? Within the past…

Five Minute Friday: be

B: the letter on the board for my pre-k kiddos this week, the beginning of books and also the beginning of boys. The biggest boy has begun to read, and leapt from beginner to actual reader, fingertip tracing the lines, whispering out the more complicated words, though we’ve only technically arrived at short e. He’s…

not a chance

Yesterday morning I sat in a coffee shop and wrote of God’s goodness in all the details of life. I wrote: “Did God have a moment of inattention that led to whatever thing is hurting you today? Not a chance! I must insist that this, even this, is kind design. He is good, thoroughly and…

Five Minute Friday (on Saturday): chance

Nearly nine years ago, in this coffee shop, I reintroduced myself to a friend of a friend, whom I’d met a few years before. It was one of those I-know-who-you-are-and-this-is-starting-to-feel-awkward things. Anyway, today he stayed home with our four boys to give me a little time on my own. There’s one view of our story…

God’s storm

It was our first tornado warning in our new house. Thunder always makes third-son cry. When it starts to rumble, we have a storm catechism of sorts: Who makes the thunder? God. Is God bigger than the thunder? Yes. Does God love you? Yes. Do you need to be afraid of thunder? No. You are…

The day of the Lord

Our ladies’ Bible study is walking through some Old Testament prophets, and it has fallen to my share to moderate the discussion on Zephaniah 1: judgment upon judgment. The Lord announces that He is coming to judge his unfaithful and idolatrous people, to sweep all things away on a day of such terror that mighty…